
Why do we de-value?

I have been hearing all this talk about Obama and his "worthiness" of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.  Rachel Maddow talked about the Obama Derangement Syndrome (check it out here)

What gets me pissed off is the fact that we cannot support our nation's leader in anything.  The propaganda being created for the conservative side is tremendous and outright disgusting.  What opponents of the Obama Administration has to do is realize that we need to back up the Commander in Chief.  Whether we disagree or not with his platform or with the way he is running the country, we have to create a unity that makes this country as strong as it claims to be.  Without being united, we cannot be powerful.  Leave behind the negativity and support President Obama.  A peacemaker is someone who tries to obliterate the barriers layed out but oppression-makers.  Obama has done this before and after his presidency.

On the weekend of the March for Equality in Washington, D.C., we need to remember that there is so much to be fought for.  The battle is not over.  We have too much to fight against that a bunch of right-wing conservatives creating a food fight.  Stop it!  Carajo!

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