

I know you have been to many other sites, blogs, etc. and figure this is just another blog. It may be. But, for me, it's my form of having a voice. I have always dealt with things in very unpredictable ways. I would either freak out or just take it easy. Nevertheless, I react. Regardless my reaction, I have incorporated writing in my life.
Writing is my escape; my refuge. It has never let me down and has always made me feel better about a situation/thought/scandal. I can remember as a little boy in school in the Bronx writing about so many things. I would write about my mother, abuelita, and imaginary friends. I would make up stories and giggle to myself. I always had some creativity waiting and yearning to come out. Even when situations were not of the best quality, writing would release those anguish-filled times and all seemed to reconcile.
I discovered spoken word poetry about 5 years ago when I nervously decide to visit an open mic event at the Queens Theater in the Park. One of my favorite poets, Emmanuel Xavier, was hosting and it was my chance to deliver my thoughts. I had always wanted to be a part of this ever evolving art form but never thought my writings were any good for that venue. With reservations (and support from friends), I entered the small, intimate room and began my journey in tot the spoken word world.
That night was a catalyst! the audience's reaction was unexpected. They laughed at the right moments. The "Hmm'ed" and the right moments. At the end, they applauded and affirmed my place in this art. At that moment I felt welcomed. I felt welcomed into a world of impossibilities. I could spill my mind onto paper and share with the world. People may relate. People may not. But, I was created. The poet in me was released and from that moment I was transformed.
I am a poet. Whether I want to be or not, I am that. Much more comprises this body but the poet lives within.
Here's to all the inner talents waiting to flourish inside you. Cheers!

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